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Kezan SQL fix

By Смердокрыл
in Serverside

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 My server is pre-compiled, because, unfortunately, I am too stupid for the complicated process of compiling one myself.

 Probably because of that or some other problems, Kezan is seriously fucked up in terms of phasing and other things (for example, some npcs which are meant to just stand somewhere, are walking around (though, this happens on the whole server)).

 Basically, if anybody has an sql file which would fix the npcs/objects/quests/phases/etc on Kezan, I'd be thankful if he/she shared it.

or not


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It is not only about SQL either. Those phases are heavily scripted in the core. SQL can only give you static NPC population + some simplistic quests like "Go kill 10 boars". Those zones are fixed only on big server projects who have their own development teams. I doubt there are any public fixes for that, sadly.

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On 14.03.2016 at 3:09 AM, Oldarorn said:

Maybe you'll prefer 341 answers "I don't have it"' instead of nothing ?

Yes I will, because that shows I'm not just being ignored

On 14.03.2016 at 8:42 AM, Skarn said:

SQL can only give you static NPC population + some simplistic quests like "Go kill 10 boars".

Better than nothing

or not


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On 16. 3. 2016 at 3:50 PM, Смердокрыл said:

Yes I will, because that shows I'm not just being ignored

Better than nothing

Honestly, this is quite a good way to actually become ignored.

English YT tutorial channel. Check it out if you preffer videos over walls of text.:

I am now completely retired from modding. I am still reading PMs and reacting to them, however, I am not keeping up to date with what is going on in the community and my ability to help you is becoming very limited - I no longer remember some things, I don't have tools installed anymore, and I don't know what is up to date nowadays.

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