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M2s Particles from Legion to LK

By Alastor StrixEfuartus
in Retro-Porting

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So i converted several items from legion some time ago and i used those models in  some of my noggit works

but when i get ingame i face something that Noggit or WMV has no idea about --> Particles 

So i have here one model ...  ( may hard to see but its there )



Its particles are working fine 

but then i have model like this and its particles are little bit messed up .. you can see border of rendered Image 



I tried to change BlendFlags or other flags based on comparation with that one posted abowe and no results ... so i came here since soem of my methods didnt worked and i would rather delete those particles definitly instead of leaving it as its now  ... 


particles are messd up for many models i have here actualy ... 

so ...


World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial06.m2   -particles working fine 


World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail 

World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_table_mission.m2 - fail 

World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_poison_vial04.m2 - fail

World\Expansion06\doodads\artifact\7af_rogue_smokebomb_crate01.m2 - fail 

etc ...





No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first and is waiting for it 

58481774cef1014c0b5e4992.png PATREON | 580b57fcd9996e24bc43c540.pngTWITCH | mcnet_logo1.png.2e45c50862b388f6032ba68b42275bd2.pngMC.net | png-transp.pngYOUTUBE | kisspng-paypal-computer-icons-logo-paypal-5b21b2671141f9.6031865215289350150707.pngPAYPAL |mcnet_logo1.png.2e45c50862b388f6032ba68b42275bd2.pngBUY SOME OF MY 3D MODELS

Star-Citizen-4k-001.pngStar Citizen Referral Code : STAR-XNFS-HVL9 - Register using my code and recieve free 5,000 UEC

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Then i guess i may have bad script for Particle fix

No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first and is waiting for it 

58481774cef1014c0b5e4992.png PATREON | 580b57fcd9996e24bc43c540.pngTWITCH | mcnet_logo1.png.2e45c50862b388f6032ba68b42275bd2.pngMC.net | png-transp.pngYOUTUBE | kisspng-paypal-computer-icons-logo-paypal-5b21b2671141f9.6031865215289350150707.pngPAYPAL |mcnet_logo1.png.2e45c50862b388f6032ba68b42275bd2.pngBUY SOME OF MY 3D MODELS

Star-Citizen-4k-001.pngStar Citizen Referral Code : STAR-XNFS-HVL9 - Register using my code and recieve free 5,000 UEC

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Thank for the program i dont like it much when it cames to usage but its K :D except my Models went black so ill just make one model converted by me and copy into it Particle block from model converted thru phils soft 

No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first and is waiting for it 

58481774cef1014c0b5e4992.png PATREON | 580b57fcd9996e24bc43c540.pngTWITCH | mcnet_logo1.png.2e45c50862b388f6032ba68b42275bd2.pngMC.net | png-transp.pngYOUTUBE | kisspng-paypal-computer-icons-logo-paypal-5b21b2671141f9.6031865215289350150707.pngPAYPAL |mcnet_logo1.png.2e45c50862b388f6032ba68b42275bd2.pngBUY SOME OF MY 3D MODELS

Star-Citizen-4k-001.pngStar Citizen Referral Code : STAR-XNFS-HVL9 - Register using my code and recieve free 5,000 UEC

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