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Questions about race swapping

By nicmercy
in Miscellaneous

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Hi all,

I had some questions regarding race swapping. Specifically, I'd like to replace Gnomes with High Elves but without replacing gnome npc's. I'm told that its possible for the race swap to be done in such a way so as to only affect players. I know there's some sort of helm fix required as well. I am still quite new to all this modding stuff and the community on many forums seems to frown on anyone asking others to make a mod for them, so I thought I might get a better response by asking if there are any good tutorials online that I might try to follow to do the work myself. I've searched a number of forums so far (modcraft, ac-web, ownedcore) without much success in finding a clear tutorial on the process.

Can anyone here help me with this project? Even if only to link a detailed and concise tutorial?

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