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Custom Class Issue

By Peacy
in Serverside

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Hey Everyone,

I have recently took death knights and changed them into a necromancer, I understand that you can modify the type of resource a class uses through editing the chrclass.dbc file and thats what I did. I changed the power type from runicpower to mana and it didn't work my character simply had no resource. I tried messing around with other power types like energy and that worked. Outside of energy and runicpower all the other power types don't work. Do I need to tell the core that deathknights use mana or what am I missing!?


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In theory it possible be found in core of trinity, I am not a programmer and more I can not help

You can also try to do a hack with forms as invisible aura in spellbook (example: druid - mana, bear - rage, cat - energy) but in this case your new class will not support varius auras (like paladin) or stances (warrior), take this advice as a critical decision

and you automatically less your "power" in ghost state.

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I dont know where u can find it but i am working on similar things in WoD there is a dbc that tells you how much mana you get per point of intelligence or level what ever its designed to. Your mana is probably working but since Dk's dont have mana in vanilla this value is set to 0. Energy however is always 100 so this could be the reason why its working. This is only a guess from what I know so far but give it a shot. Maybe its still hardcoded in your core dont know what you are using.

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