About This File
Hi! I requested the other day a small QoL change to the old GroundeffectAdder.exe (I don't know the original author/s), and well, here you've it, with the old .exe you had to apply an ID for each texture manually per every ADT.
With this update, you'll be able to put all your texture paths and groundeffects ID's in a CSV file, and with the Batch Adder.bat the program will add automatically the ID's to every ADT in the folder (and add -1 to the textures you didn't specify, so the ID isn't changed).
After that you'll have to use the Batch Fixing.bat as always, I also added another .bat for removing the _new extension that the fixing generates.
I tested it the other day with Northrend, and it worked fine, but report if you find any problem ^^.
Tool updated by MeluS: https://twitter.com/MeluSDev