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WDT FIleDataID tool by alonin 1.0.0

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About This File

Made by Alonin, source https://github.com/Alonin/WDT-Editor-FDID

Editor for post-8.1.5 WDT files with filedataid. Doesn't write MAID, only enables unreferenced files by default

For new or pre-filedataid WDT:
- open the WDT in 010 Editor
- enable the "has MAID" 0x0200 flag
- put in all the _occ.wdt, .wdl etc. filedataids (https://wowdev.wiki/WDT#MPHD_chunk)
- add donor MAID chunk at the very end of the file
- save
- start the tool, open the WDT
- add ADT files from the list, it looks up root file filedata from the listfile -> looks up filedata in split files listfile
- save

Important to note that WDLs should be accurate in modern clients, there is a WDL generator inside just drop a folder with ADTs on the exe


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