About This File
Retroported model for the Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm mount.
- Import the files in an .mpq patch in creature/nethergorgedgreatwyrm/ and interface/icons/ for the spell icon.
- add the model in CreatureModelData.dbc and in CreatureDisplayID.dbc (then add them to your client patch and server)
For TextureVariation_1 and TextureVariation_2 entries use "nethergorgedgreatwyrm_4323959" and "nethergorgedgreatwyrm_4323957" respectively, otherwise the model will be white and textureless.
- add the icon path and name to a new SpellIcon.dbc entry
- add a creature that uses this model in your database (I copied the Arcane Wyrm entry and changed its ModelID)
- create a mount spell that uses this model and icon
It worked for me, I hope it works for you too.
EDIT: fixed a few animations and added 3 extra colors for the mount.
What's New in Version 1.1.0
- Fixed the flying backwards animation and the flying right strafing animation
- Added some extra body colors taken from the Greatwyrm model (Silver, Purple and Black)