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List_Root Text > SQL Converter 1.0.0

About This File

Hey guys !

I'm here again with a new tool that i use to convert text file from list_root into SQL format.

example :

Input :

0000053183.all 404522913ab0414b25ec8f4c0d836fd1 sound/music/citymusic/darnassus/darnassus intro.mp3

Output :

INSERT INTO `FileDataComplete_Legion` VALUES (53183,"darnassus intro.mp3","sound/music/citymusic/darnassus/");


README : How to use ?

Place Listfile.txt / root  (from casc) into tool folder.

Run the .bat file i provided.

Wait till finished you will see a file named Root_File.sql

Create a table Named : FileDataComplete_Legion in database (File_ID/Filename/Filepath)

Import Root_File.sql into the database.

You're done !

* This method is use full when you want to find/retro-port massive db2 > SQL lines.


Thanks for Roccus for compiling the list_root.exe and bloerwald for binaries

Thanks for bloerwald for the listfile.


And obviously CASC Developpers !


Enjoy and let me know if it was use full for you too !



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