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Capturing PvP Objectives

By Peacy
in Serverside

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Hey all,

So i have recently started scripting my own bg where players work to capture PvP towers by standing on them, however, at first i though my bg didnt work but the capturing bar just doesn't show. Its not only that it doesnt show in my BG but it doesnt show in the plaguelands pvp, shatt pvp, or even hellfire tower pvp.


Here is an example,


As you can see in this image normally there should be a bar on the right side of the screen that allows me to see my capture progress on this objective. However, that does not appear, if I stand here for a while though this happens,


As you can see i captured the objective based on what was said in chat and the world state updated. I don't understand why i cant see the capture bar.



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On 02/08/2016 at 1:18 AM, Peacy said:

Hey all,

So i have recently started scripting my own bg where players work to capture PvP towers by standing on them, however, at first i though my bg didnt work but the capturing bar just doesn't show. Its not only that it doesnt show in my BG but it doesnt show in the plaguelands pvp, shatt pvp, or even hellfire tower pvp.


Here is an example,


As you can see in this image normally there should be a bar on the right side of the screen that allows me to see my capture progress on this objective. However, that does not appear, if I stand here for a while though this happens,


As you can see i captured the objective based on what was said in chat and the world state updated. I don't understand why i cant see the capture bar.



It was the WorldstateUI.dbc for some reason it dose not display it when new lines are added.

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Did you convert the file into CSV or used DBCEditor?

Converting to CSV can corrupt a file, found this out when trying to do spell visuals. Try using DbcEditor instead if you haven't already done so.

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