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.phys Legion to WoD

in Retro-Porting

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I've ported Warcraft movie transmog into WoD, but the physic isn't present. On MoP+ physic are here in the Engine, there's some change in Legion as I know. So, I wanted to know, how to enable Legion phys in Warlords of Draenor, because there's a lot of things using .phys (belt, weapons etc). The Replica of the Gul'dan Staff is awesome, but it can be more awesome if physic is present. I looked into the M2, I've tryed to modify the GLOBAL_FLAGS nothing, one time on two I got a Wowerror. I've delete SFID and PFID chunk, nothing. So I don't know how to manage to enable it. And I know, modders are only on TLK, but if someone work on WoD and Legion. 



no physic



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