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Script Question

By Peacy
in Serverside

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Hello Model-Changing,

I want to create a Bunny npc that will phase people depending on what quests they have completed upon entering the building.

function PhaseSystemCity(eventId, delay, repeats, worldobject)
    local player = worldobject:GetNearestPlayer(20)
    if player ~= nil then
    if (player:GetQuestStatus(40018) == 6 and player:GetPhaseMask() == 1) then

I made the code and it works but there is only one thing i'm confused about how can I make it so when players complete the next quest they get phased into phase 4. In addition to this how can I make it so if they get out of the 20 yard range their phased back into phase 1?


Thanks, Peacy!

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