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WoW enUS Windows Client Rev #2

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Revision #1 2024-12-13 creation of sharable client for private servers
Revision #2 2024-12-14 renamed "Wow_patched.exe" to "Wow_fixed.exe" (applications with "patch" or "install" in the name automatically request admin privilege when running, which is not necessary)

Since wowdl.net has ceased to exist as a source of World of Warcraft clients, I thought it would be good thing to provide a clean ready-to-go version of the most requested one:
This client has been sourced from "WoWArchive-0.X-3.X", but it contains modifications (see #MODIFICATIONS) and has obsolete/unused files removed (see #REMOVALS).
The original application from Blizzard is available as "Wow.exe", and a patched version as "Wow_fixed.exe" (clarify with your private server before using).
Nearly all of the modifications were provided by robinsch through his WoWFix335 repository: https://github.com/robinsch/WoWFix335
The goal is to provide the enUS client which stays very close to the original, while getting rid of shortcomings or obvious bugs.
File integrity can be checked via INTEGRITY\check.cmd -> the INTEGRITY folder can safely be deleted if no longer needed.
Removed files are preserved in their original structure via REMOVALS.ZIP, although modern systems should not need those -> the ZIP file can safely be deleted if no longer needed.


-> LAA enabled
-> 2 Remote Code Execution exploits have been patched
-> activating window mode from within the game no longer causes a black screen
-> melee swing animation is no longer triggered on spamming right-click
-> melee swing animation is correctly played when NPCs turn
-> fixes ghost attack when NPC evades from combat
-> pre cast animations are no longer missing when cancelling channelled spells
-> fixed mouse flickering and camera snapping issue when mouse report rate > 250 Hz
-> fixed characters being naked by disabling SPELL_AURA_X_RAY
-> disabled new mail timeout
-> adjusted area trigger timer from 250ms to 50ms
-> the Blue Child (second moon) is active
-> allow chat commands while dead
-> WDB item cache requests are no longer throttled
-> changed realmlist to "localhost"
-> changed gxResolution to "1920x1080"
-> changed gxWindow to "1"
-> changed gxMaximize to "1"
-> removed patchlist
-> removed portal


-> BackgroundDownloader.exe
-> Battle.net.dll
-> dbghelp.dll
-> ijl15.dll
-> Launcher.exe
-> Microsoft.VC80.CRT.manifest
-> msvcr80.dll
-> Patch.html
-> Patch.txt
-> Scan.dll
-> unicows.dll
-> WowError.exe
-> Data\enUS\Documentation\
-> Data\enUS\backup-enUS.MPQ
-> Data\enUS\AccountBilling.url
-> Data\enUS\connection-help.html
-> Data\enUS\realmlist.wtf
-> Data\enUS\TechSupport.url


What's New in Version Rev #2   See changelog


Revision #2 2024-12-14 renamed "Wow_patched.exe" to "Wow_fixed.exe" (applications with "patch" or "install" in the name automatically request admin privilege when running, which is not necessary)

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