About This File
I have created a version of the CharacterCreate screen that is inspired by what Shadowlands is going to offer.
I've already shared it on the AzerothCore forum and I'm releasing it here too.
Some bugs are still present when the game resolution is under 1280 x 720.
The interface bugs a bit below this resolution.
If anyone knows how to add a "zoom" function for the CharactersScreen I'm interested to zoom the heads of the characters when the customization step is in progress.
(Ideally the zoom could work with the scroll wheel)
Screenshots available here :
- Character Create & Select Screen : https://imgur.com/a/FN4o1ch
- Character Select Pḧoto Mode : https://imgur.com/a/dDssMzs
- Patch.MPQ for new modders or beginers or "noob" : https://github.com/iThorgrim-Hub/Wrath-of-the-Lich-King-Reforged/releases/download/0.0.1/Patch-I.MPQ
What's New in Version 1.0.0
Photo Mode | CharacterSelect
- You can enter the photo mode by pressing "H" and could exit by pressing the same button.
- Once in the photo mode you can change the available backgrounds by pressing "B"