About This File
Hello and thank you for using Kyrie Eleison's 7.2.5 GameObjects Patch!
This patch contains a gameobject entry for every m2 and wmo in the game!
All credits go to Kyrie Eleison (Natea) from MundoWarcraft - http://www.mundowarcraft.com
Please note that using the SQL will delete all gameobject_template
entries between 908296 and 999999 so don't overwrite your work
Put .db2 file to wow client inside a folder called DBFilesClient and inside server-side too under proper dbc Data folder.
Works and tested with TrinityCore 7.2.5 24742
Wow_Patched.exe and Wow-64_Patched.exe (7.2.5 release 24742) with protection removed.
Thanks to @Ghost for his root list in this pack